Columbia Stages

Birthday Triage

Created by Simón Adinia Hanukai, Naďma Kristel Phillips and the ensemble
Written by Naďma Kristel Phillips (MFA Playwriting Candidate, 2012)
Directed by Simón Adinia Hanukai (MFA Directing Candidate, 2012)

An interactive, multi-media performance in which the audience accompanies four characters on their personal journeys as their birthday worlds collapse and unveil their mythological DNA. Four plays weave in and out of each other like DNA strands as audience members glimpse into the shattered pieces of the characters' lives.


March 7th–10th, 2012
Wednesday–Friday at 8pm and Saturday at 1pm, 5pm & 9pm

For tickets, please CLICK HERE.



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Columbia University School of the Arts Theatre Arts Program • , , NY, NY 10027 • •
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