Columbia Stages

The Good Person of Szechwan
by Bertolt Brecht
Translated by Tony Kushner

Directed by Ashley Kelly Tata (MFA Directing Candidate, 2012)

Is it possible to be good and live? In this comedic parable from renowned German playwright and theorist, Bertolt Brecht, three gods visit the "Capital City of Szechwan" on their mission to find a good person on earth. When the only person to offer them shelter is the poor prostitute, Shen Te, the gods give her money to make it easier for her to be good. The Good Person of Szechwan, in a new translation by Tony Kushner, comes to life in a multimedia-infused production with original compositions that will take your moral compass for a whirl.

March 28th–31st, 2012
Wednesday–Friday at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm & 7pm




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