The Corsair inspired by "The Corsair" by Lord Byron (and many other things)
Conceived & Directed by Katie Naka (MFA Directing Candidate, 2013)
"With nothing left to love, there's nought to dread." - Lord Byron
A journey into the hearts of both the classic and the modern anti-hero, The Corsair is a hybrid-theatre-medium-mash-up fantasy that trips through all sides of being a badass. Through movement, video, music, swords, sexiness, and good old-fashioned storytelling, Katie Naka and crew take you on an adventure through dark swirling waters and the torture-born freedom of having nothing left to lose.
80 Greenwich Street
February 13-16, 2013
$15 General Admission/$5 Seniors
Free with student ID - use code student
2/13 Wednesday |
@ 8:00pm |
2/14 Thursday |
@ 8:00pm |
2/15 Friday |
@ 8:00pm |
2/16 Saturday |
@ 2:00pm |
2/16 Saturday |
@ 8:00pm |