Columbia Stages

The Corsair
inspired by "The Corsair" by Lord Byron (and many other things)


Conceived & Directed by Katie Naka (MFA Directing Candidate, 2013)

"With nothing left to love, there's nought to dread." - Lord Byron

A journey into the hearts of both the classic and the modern anti-hero, The Corsair is a hybrid-theatre-medium-mash-up fantasy that trips through all sides of being a badass. Through movement, video, music, swords, sexiness, and good old-fashioned storytelling, Katie Naka and crew take you on an adventure through dark swirling waters and the torture-born freedom of having nothing left to lose.

80 Greenwich Street

February 13-16, 2013

$15 General Admission/$5 Seniors
Free with student ID - use code student

2/13 Wednesday @ 8:00pm
2/14 Thursday @ 8:00pm
2/15 Friday @ 8:00pm
2/16 Saturday @ 2:00pm
2/16 Saturday @ 8:00pm




Antigone/Progeny Joan: Voices in the Fire The Corsair Marie Christine
Sakharam Binder The Golem of Havana The Poor of New York New Plays Now 2013

Columbia University School of the Arts Theatre Arts Program • , , NY, NY 10027 • •
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