Columbia Stages

A New Translation of Sophocles
By Sarah Sharp with Greg Taubman


By Greg Taubman

Two millennia ago: a king struggles to reunify his city while a princess's dissent threatens to reopen the wounds of civil war. To whom do the dead belong?

Today: a governor announces a new stance on abortion, only to find his niece staging a hunger strike in protest. Who decides when life begins?

Rehearsed and performed in repertory, these two plays provide a one-of-a-kind reckoning with the costs of certainty and the continued resonance of the original story of nonviolent protest.

Directed by Greg Taubman (MFA Directing Candidate, 2013)

Featuring :

Virginia Baeta Jack Berenholtz Rick Busser
Petra Denison Nicole Greenbaum Brandon Harris
Zane Johnston Russell Jordan* Teresa Lotz (Violin)
Tony Neil* Maureen O'Boyle
Quinn Warren Aden Ramsey (Guitar)

Production Team:

Lead Translator Sarah Sharp
Producers Chie Morita & Courtney Harge
Set Designer Anshuman Bhatia
Costume Designer Lux Haac
Lighting Designer Elizabeth A Coco
Composer / Sound Designer Shane Parks
Choreographer Allison Brzezinski
Stage Manager Jenny Ainsworth
Company Manager Alexandra Lalonde
Marketing Manager Glenn DeKler
Assistant Director Marlee Faye Koeningsberg
Production Assistant Katey Howitt

*Appearing Courtesy of Actors Equity Association

The Riverside Theatre
91 Claremont Avenue (between 120th and 122th Streets)

October 17th–20th, 2012

$15 General Admission/$5 Seniors
Free with student I.D.


10/17 Wednesday* @ 9:00pm
10/18 Thursday @ 8:00pm
10/20 Saturday @ 8:00pm



10/17 Wednesday* @ 6:30pm
10/19 Friday @ 8:00pm
10/20 Saturday @ 2:00pm

*Ticketing for Wednesday 10/17 is sold as
a single event beginning @ 6:30pm





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Columbia University School of the Arts Theatre Arts Program • , , NY, NY 10027 • •
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